Help Guides

Q How to install WordPress

This tutorial will show you how to install WordPress.

1 For this tutorial, you will need to go to wordpress.org

Click the Download WordPress button.

2Click on Download and Install.

3Click on Download WordPress.

4Save the file, then go to where it was downloaded. Click on Extract

5Click on Extract all

6You will now need to upload all the contents of this folder to your hosting account, using an FTP manager like FileZilla.

This is FileZilla, let's go ahead and upload the WordPress files.

7Once the upload is complete, open your browser and navigate to your website.

You'll be prompted to setup your new copy of WordPress.

8First, choose your language.

9Take note that you'll need a MySQL database setup in your hosting account, and you'll need to know what the database name, username and password is before proceeding.

When ready, click "Let's go".

10Enter your database name, username and password.

11Then click Submit.

12Then click "Run the Install".

13Enter a title for your WordPress blog.

14Enter an admin username.

15Then enter and confirm an admin password.

16Enter your email address here and click install WordPress.

17That's it! WordPress has been installed, and you can now click to login.

18Login using the credentials you just created.

19That's it! This is your admin panel from where you can manage your new blog.

That's it! This is your admin panel from where you can manage your new blog.

Q How to configure your settings in WordPress

This tutorial assumes you've already logged in to WordPress, and will show you how to configure your settings.

1 Click Settings in the left margin.

2 Then click General.

3 This page has general settings that you can change, like the blog title, tagline and website URL.

We'll go ahead and make some changes.

4 You can also make changes to the timezone, date and time formats.

5 When finished, click Save Changes.

6 Now click the Writing tab under Settings.

7 This is where you can edit the settings related to writing posts.

Don't forget to always click Save Changes if you've made changes, before leaving a page.

8 Next, click Reading under Settings.

9 Here you can set how many blog pages to show.

10 Next click Discussion.

11 On this page, you can change settings that relate to comments and avatars.

12 Click to Save Changes.

13 Now click the Media option. This is where you can set image sizes for images included in posts.

14 Finally on the Permalinks page, you can set what type of URL structure is used through your website.

15 This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to configure your settings in WordPress.

Q How to change your password in WordPress

This tutorial assumes you've already logged in to WordPress, and will show you how to change your password.

1 Click Users in the left margin.

2 Click your profile.

3 Scroll all the way down to the bottom of this page.

4 Enter a new password here.

5 Then repeat your new password to make sure you didn't make a mistake.

6 Then click Update Profile. That's it! Your profile has been updated, and your password changed.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to edit your profile in WordPress.

Q How to edit your profile in WordPress

This tutorial assumes you've already logged in to WordPress, and will show you how to edit your profile.

1 Click Users in the left margin.

2 Then click Your Profile.

3 On this screen, you can edit options relating to the visual editor and colour scheme.

4 Update your personal information here.

5 You can also enter some biographical information.

6 When finished, click Update Profile.

7 That's it! Your profile has been updated.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to change your header in WordPress.

Q How to change your header in WordPress

This tutorial assumes you've already logged in to WordPress, and will show you how to change your header image.

1 Click Appearance in the left margin.

2 Then click Header. Note that the Header option will be available depending on the theme in use. In some themes, there is no header option with the theme.

3 Here we can see a preview of our current header.

4 To change our header, we can either choose an already uploaded image from here.

5 Or we can choose an image from our media library or computer.

6 Let's upload an image from our computer.

7 Click Set as Header.

8 Then crop the image as desired.

9 Click Crop and Publish.

10 That's it! The header has been updated. We can now check our live website to see what it looks like.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to change your header in WordPress.

Q How to manage categories in WordPress

This tutorial assumes you've already logged in to WordPress, and will show you how to manage your categories.

1 Click Posts in the left margin.

2 Then click Categories.

3 This is where you can add a new category, let's do that now.

4 When ready, click Add New Category.

5 You can quickly edit a category's information by hovering over the category name.

6 Then clicking Quick Edit.

7 You can change the name and/or slug of the category from here.

8 You can also delete a category this way.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to manage categories in WordPress.

Q How to write a new post in WordPress

This tutorial assumes you've already logged in to WordPress, and will show you how to write a new post.

1 Click Posts in the left margin.

2 Then click Add New.

3 Enter a title for your new post.

4 Then enter the content of your post.

5 You can optionally assign this post to one or more categories.

6 When finished, click Publish.

7 That's all there is to it! You can now click to see your new post on your live website.

The post is shown here on your website.

8 Now click the All Posts link.

9 Your new post is listed here, and it's from here that you can edit or delete posts from your website.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to write new posts in WordPress.

Q How to manage users in WordPress

This tutorial assumes you've already logged in to WordPress, and will show you how to manage users.

1 Click Users in the left margin.

2 Then click Add New.

3 Enter a username and email address for the new user.

4 Then enter the user's first and last name.

5 Enter and confirm a password.

6 Then click Add New User. That's it! The new user has been setup successfully.

7 From here you can edit or delete users as well.

8 When deleting a user, you must decide whether to delete all their content or assign it to another user.

The user we just created has now been deleted.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to manage users in WordPress.

Q How to manage pages in WordPress

This tutorial assumes you've already logged in to WordPress, and will show you how to manage pages.

1 Click Pages in the left margin.

2 Then click Add New.

3 Enter a title for the new page.

4 Then enter the page content.

5 You can select a parent page here

or assign a specific template to the page.

7 To view a list of all your pages, click "All Pages".

8 From here you can click to view a page live.

9 Here's what our new page looks like.

10 To delete a page, simply click the Bin link.

11 The page we just created has now been deleted.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to manage pages in WordPress.

Q How to manage your plugins in WordPress

This tutorial assumes you've already logged in to WordPress, and will show you how to manage plugins.

1 Click Plugins in the left margin.

2 Then click Installed Plugins.

3 This page will show you a list of all your installed plugins.

From here you can activate, edit or delete any of your plugins.

4 To add a plugin, click Add New.

5 A list of available plugins are listed here, and you can find more plugins by browsing the WordPress Plugin Directory.

6 Go to the Editor to edit a plugin.

7 Although you can edit your plugins here, this is only recommended for advanced users.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to manage plugins in WordPress.

Q How to write a comment in WordPress

This tutorial assumes you've already logged in to WordPress, and will show you how to write a comment.

1 First let's go to our live website.

2 Locate the post you want to comment on, then click "Leave a Comment".

3 Enter your comment, then click Post Comment.

4 That's it! Your new comment shows up here.

5 Now let's return to the admin interface.

6 Click the Comments link.

7 You can see the comment we just created here in the admin panel as well, and it is from here that you can delete it if you want.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to write a comment in WordPress.

Q How to update your WordPress installation

This tutorial assumes you've already logged in to WordPress, and will show you how to update your WordPress installation.

1 First, you can see which version of WordPress you're running right here.

2 Click the Updates link in the left margin.

3 This is where you go to update your WordPress installation. You should click "Check Again" to make sure your installation is up to date.

4 Our version of WordPress is up to date.

5 You can also update your plugins, themes from this page too.

6 If there's a problem, and WordPress needs to be re-installed, you can do so here.

7 Once the installation is complete, you'll see this welcome screen.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to update your WordPress installation.

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