Wordpress FAQ's

Quick Fixes To Speed Up WordPress

Q Install the Super Cache Plugin

Install the plugin and click "Activate".


Q Identify plugins that are slowing you down

P3 is a great diagnostic plugin because it shows you the impact of your other plugins on page-loading time. This makes it easy to spot any plugins that are slowing down your website. It can be downloaded. here

A common culprit is social-sharing plugins, most of which bloat page-loading times and can easily be replaced by embedding social buttons into the theme's source code. Once you're aware of which plugins are slowing down your website, you can make an informed decision about whether to keep them, replace them or remove them entirely.

Q Compress Your Website

When you compress a file on your computer as a ZIP file, the total size of the file is reduced, making it both easier and faster to send to someone. Gzip works in exactly the same way but with your Web page files.

You may need to contact us to activate this; however, if you are on a dedicated server you can activate this your self

Q Compress Images

Images take up the majority of bandwidth on most websites. WP-Smushit is another great plugin that can be downloaded here.

The plugin automatically compresses images as you upload them to the media library. All compression is "lossless," meaning that you won't notice any difference in the quality of images.

One nice thing about WP-Smush.it is that it works retroactively. If thousands of images are saved in your media library, you can run them all through the plugin, compressing them to a more manageable size.

Q Browser Caching

Browser caching is a tricky issue. A handful of great caching plugins are available, but if set up incorrectly, they could cause more harm than good.

Expires headers tell the browser whether to request a particular file from the server or from the browser's cache. Of course, this only works if the user already has a version of your Web page stored in their cache; so, the technique will speed up the website only for those who have already visited your website.

Expires headers speed up a website in two ways. First, they reduce the need for returning visitors to download the same files from your server twice. Secondly, they reduce the number of HTTP requests made.

Q Clean Up The Database

WordPress autosaves everything, but the disadvantage is that your database will get filled with thousands of post revisions, trackbacks, pingbacks, unapproved comments and trashed items pretty quickly. The solution to this is a fantastic plugin called WP-Optimize, which routinely clears out your database's trash, keeping the database efficient and filled only with what needs to be kept. Of course, when doing anything to your database, always back up first.

WP Optimize can be downloaded here.

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