Email Security

SPF (Sender Policy Framework) Records

By default, the SPF record added will cover your email service with us however you may wish to add additional hostnames or IP addresses to your SPF record to cover email being sent from your website or other sending environments. You can do this by editing the SPF record via your DNS management portal.

The most common options for spf records are:

ip4 The ip4 tag allows you to specify individual IP addresses that are allowed to send email on behalf of your domain. IPv6 addresses can be defined using the ip6 tag.
include The include tag allows you to define which organisation or hostname which are allowed to send out email for the domain. So for example, resolves the list of IP addresses that are used to send email on our own email platform.
all The all tag is an important part of the SPF record as it indicates what policy should be applied when recipient servers detect a server which is not listed in your SPF.

Lets take a further look at the policy options for the all tag.

-all This is a Hard Fail where any servers that aren’t listed in the SPF record are not authorized to send email. This instructs the recipient server to reject or mark the email as spam.
~all This is a Soft Fail where if the email is received from a server that isn’t listed, the email will be marked as a soft fail (emails will be accepted but marked).
+all This is a Pass tag. This allows any server to send email from your domain. This is not recommended as it will increase the chance of malicious emails being sent from your domain.

An example record could look like this:

v=spf1 ip4: ~all

An IPv4 address has been specified, along with a include for a hostname to cover multiple IP addresses and the all tag has the soft fail option.


Once you have your SPF record created and added to your domains DNS, it’s good practice to use an SPF checker to test that the syntax is valid.

Add SPF in your control panel

You can add SPF records from the email security section of your control panel which can be accessed via Email Management.

Email Management > Select Edit beside they domain you wish to add SPF for > Scroll down to Email Security

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