SSL Guides

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) - Why Should I Use SSL?

Does your site collect sensitive visitor information such as passwords, credit card information, or personal data? If so, be warned: by the end of January 2017, Google Chrome will begin marking sites without HTTPS as non-secure. Put another way; Chrome will now require HTTPS for sites that collect sensitive information. If you have not done so already, protect your visitors and your site with an SSL certificate and migrate to HTTPS.

Enabling HTTPS on your whole site is important, but if your site collects passwords, payment info, or any other personal information, it’s critical to use HTTPS

Google also gives a slight ranking boost to sites with HTTPS

Moving toward a more secure web is a well-known Google initiative. Every now and then, Google finds a new way to encourage website owners to go secure by:

Declaring HTTPS a ranking signal (a lightweight one, but that may not be the case in future).
Starting to index HTTPS pages first.
By showing how it's never been this cheap and easy it is to move to HTTPS.
Marking all HTTP sites carrying sensitive data as ‘non-secure’ in Chrome.

Q What Is HTTPS?

HTTPS is being used for communication over Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) with an ‘S’ in the end that stands for ‘Secure.’ Adopting HTTPS, you provide your users with three key layers of protection:

Authentication prevents ‘man-in-the-middle’ attacks and provides a guarantee one is communicating with the exact website that was intended.

Encryption provides privacy by encrypting the exchanged data. This ensures that conversations won’t be eavesdropped and the information won’t be stolen.

Data integrity prevents data from being unnoticeably modified or corrupted during the transfer.

Q Why Migrate to HTTPS?

Apart from security as the key priority, there are several more things to consider:

Private and secure online experience is what users expect while visiting your site, and user trust is a truly valuable asset for a business.

Updates like HTTP/2 (which you can really benefit from, speed-wise) are only supported over HTTPS in some browsers.

Ranking boost may be a good incentive, as Google hints on strengthening HTTPS signal in the future.
At this point, you might move on from having doubts to planning a migration. You need a well thought-out plan to make your HTTPs migration painless.

Q Differences between Secure hosting (SSL) and Dedicated Rapid SSL

Secure Hosting SSL

  • Domain Validated certificates.
  • These are certificates where you only need to be able to prove domain ownership for the certificate to be accepted and provided.
  • The certificates currently can only be used on web-servers that can validate using the ACME protocol they use.
  • At this time, they cannot issue any other type of certificate.
  • It will help boost rankings and ensure your site is not disabled by google

Rapid SSL

  • Domain Validated certificates that include a warranty as well as wildcard and extended validation certificates.
  • Extended Validation allows the company name to show in the browser address bar in green.
  • Issued for up to 3 years depending on the certificate
  • Certificates provide warranties and verification seals
  • patible with almost all browsers due to being a long standing and reputable CA

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Why Should I Use SSL? Overview General Questions Multiple Certificates Install

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