Validate your domain name by email

Questions and Answers

Please note that if you have registered a gTLD (, .net .org, etc) you will be sent an email asking you to validate your registrant contact data. Please follow the instructions in this email. Failing to receive an affirmative response from the registrant within 15 days will result in the suspension of the name

The title of the email will be “Please validate your domain name(s) as soon as possible” and it will be sent from our hostmaster@ email address

Please find some further information on this subject below...

Q What exactly is the validation process?

The validation process is a way of ensuring data quality and is requested by ICANN. -the governing body of all domain names.

Q What does "suspended" mean?

Suspended means that we interrupt the creation of the domain names. It will remain suspended until it is validated.

Q What information does the registrant need to validate?

You need to provide the following information: First name, Last name and Email address.

Q Which TLDs does this process apply to?

The validation process applies to all gTLD’s (Generic Top Level Domain). This also includes the new gTLD’s.

Q What action will trigger the validation process?

Any new registration, transfer in, or contact update will trigger the validation process.

Q What change will trigger the validation process for an existing domain?

Any change to the First name, Last name, or Email address will trigger the validation process, unless it was previously validated.

Q What else will trigger the validation process for an existing domain?

If the Whois Data Reminder Policy email bounces, the domain will enter the validation process.

Q Will previously registered domain names require validating as of Jan. 2014?

No, we do not have to retroactively validate domain names.

Q How many emails will a Registrant receive once the validation process has started?

A Registrant will receive an email to validate their contact information on day 1, day 5, day 10 and day 13. On day 16, if they haven't validated their information, they will receive an email informing them that their domain name has been suspended.

Q How long will it take for my domain to come back online after I validate my information?

Your domain should come back online instantly.

Q My domain is suspended due to a bounced WDRP notice so I can't receive the validation email. What do I do?

Registrant should login to their control panel and update the email address. This will trigger the validation process if necessary.

Q If the Registrant updates their address via the control panel, does the validation email only go to the new address? Is the previous address notified or required to do anything?

Registrants will be required to validate the new email address only and only the new address will receive the validation emails.

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