Domain Names


Q What types of transfer are there and what do they do?

Registrar Transfer

This transfers the registration of a domain from one registrar to another. This is usually used in conjunction with a transfer of hosting through a Name Server Transfer but can be done independently. A Registrar Transfer cannot be processed within 60 days of registration or a successful transfer.

Name Server Transfer

A Name Server Transfer is used to move a domain's hosting and email from one host to another and may or may not be done in conjunction with a Registrar Transfer.

Use of IP pointing and zone records can achieve the same results but are usually used where hosting and email accounts are not transferred together in advanced DNS management.

Ownership Transfer

This is used to transfer the ownership of a domain from one person or company, to another and excludes the transfer of an existing web site or email accounts.

Please note that Domain ownership and Account ownership need not be the same thing.

Account Transfer

This is used to move domains from one existing account to another, and can be used to combine a number of domains in one account.

Q What is an IPS tag?

An IPS tag is a tag that was implemented by the .uk registry (Nominet), to control domain name transfers. Every .uk domain name (.uk,,,, etc.) must have an IPS tag specified to confirm which registrar currently holds the domain. Only the current tagholder (registrar) or Nominet can update a domain's IPS tag.

A list of IPSTAGs is available on Nominet's website at

Q My domain is detagged, what should I do next?

From time to time, registrars may detag a .uk domain name. Registrars do this where they wish to relinquish all association with a domain name.

Detagged domains are still owned by the original registrant but cannot be used until it is re tagged and the domain registration is paid for.

If you have a detagged domain you wish to reactivate, you should contact Nominet and request that the domain is retagged to the IPS tag of the registrar you wish to use.

Q How do I merge multiple accounts?

In order to merge your accounts, you first need to ensure that all your accounts have exactly the same details stored in the contact page. We then need to receive a signed letter, stating the accounts to be merged (either the customer number or usernames for each account) and which account should be kept as the master.

If your accounts are in your company name please ensure your letter is on your company headed paper. If your accounts are in your individual name, we require a copy of your photo id, either passport or driving license.

Your letter can be scanned and sent as an attachment through the help section of your control panel, or faxed to 0141 931 6785.

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