Do You Need To Contact Us By Fax or PDF?

For the movement of domain names between accounts, account changes or account merges, we may ask you to send us a fax or PDF to our ticketing system via your control panel.

There will be some specific pieces of information and/or additional documentation we require on your letter(s) so we can complete your request.

This guide will help you when compiling your correspondence so that all the information is correct first time, thus reducing the time it takes us to complete your request.

Why do I have to do this?

We take the security of customer products, data and intellectual property very seriously at all times.

If as a company we failed to carry out these processes we would endanger both customer’s information and intellectual property. Imagine your valuable domain name or personal information was taken by someone else because we didn’t follow these procedures!

So please take the time to read through this guide - choose the section that applies to you and provide the correct details. We will aim to process this as quickly as possible.

Please follow these steps in order to process your request quickly.


    Check which section applies to you:

    A - Movement of Domain Names between Accounts

    B - Change of Account Details

    C - Accounts Merge


2. Follow the instructions in that section and collect your information in full. Ensure your faxes or PDF’s are signed; we will not accept any documents without signatures


3. Send us your information by uploading your document here or attach to a ticket logged to our support team through your control panel.

A - Movement of Domain Names between Accounts

In order to move domains between accounts, we need to receive signed authorisation from the current account owner, the new account owner and the current owner of the domain name, if different from the account owners.

Please ensure the letters include:

1) A signature, if a company the letter must be signed by a director
2) State the domain name(s) to be moved
3) Account number if moving to an existing customer
4) Full contact details if moving the domain name(s) to a new account;
a. Contact Name:
b. Company Name (if applicable):
c. Postal Address:
d. Post Code:
e. Contact Telephone Number:
f. Contact Email Address:
5) Include photographic ID (passport or driving license) from each relevant party.
6) If the owner is not an individual, the letter should be on their company headed paper.

Please remember to check your whois information for the domain name, via your control panel, by going to the Domain Management section. Remember to keep these correct and up to date at all times, with valid information, or you run the risk of your domain being suspended. We advise to check the information before and after the transfer and make any changes necessary.

Please note that it is not always possible to move associated packages between accounts. If you have any email or hosting requirements, please do advise and we will see what can be done to accommodate this.

You can use the following template to complete the move

Please accept this letter as permission to move:
From the existing account to NAME OF NEW OWNER.
Please transfer to customer number ********/use the details listed to set up a new account:
Contact Name:
Company Name:
Post Code:
Telephone Number:
Email address:

Yours sincerely

B - Change of Account Details

This process will be used if you have forgotten your control panel log in information, cannot pass security on the account or your contact details are out of date meaning you cannot reset your control panel log in information via the ‘Forgotten Password’ feature.

In order to update the details on your account we need to receive a signed letter with a clear statement of intent..

Make sure you state the details you wish to have updated on your account. For every account our minimum contact requirements are;
a. Contact Name
b. Company Name (if applicable)
c. Postal Address
d. Post Code
e. Contact Telephone Number
f. Contact Email Address

If you require us to send you a ‘password reset form’ via website please provide an email address and state you wish to receive this form.

C - Account Merge

First of all you need to make sure all your accounts have exactly the same contact details. Just log into each control panel and go to Your Details section and make any changes necessary.

We then need to receive a signed letter, stating the accounts to be merged (the customer number for each account) and which account should be kept as the master.

If your account is in your company name, please ensure your letter is on your company headed paper. If your account is in your individual name, we require a copy of your photo id, either passport or driving license.

Send us your information by uploading your document here or attach to a ticket logged to our support team through your control panel.

The following template can be used to complete this

Please accept this letter as permission to merge accounts:
Retaining CUSTOMER NUMBER as the master account.

Yours sincerely

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